White Mulberry Silk

When you think of silk, you think of silky soft fabric that feels so smooth as you run your fingers along. But, did you know that Mulberry silk is one of the strongest natural fibres? It has strength that is comparable to a steel wire. So, not only is mulberry silk a luxuriously soft fabric… Read More

The Silk scruncies in pink, white and beige laid out on a white surface with a candle in the background.

From celebrities to hair care experts – the beauty industry is raving about silk hair scrunchies. Whether you are someone who has damaged your hair with too much heat – we have all been there! Or perhaps, you are just having a hard time managing your hair.  Here are five extraordinarily good reasons to make… Read More

Portrait of beautiful happy woman lying on white silk bed

So you’re thinking about upgrading your regular bedding for something a little more luxurious? Something that will offer the benefit of better sleep whilst still looking fantastic? There are so many options available in modern-day you probably wouldn’t know where to start. Well less of this talk, we have compiled a list of the best… Read More

Pink Charmeuse Silk Fabric

You may have heard the term ‘Charmeuse Silk’, but do you actually know what it means? In this blog we’re going to cover the basics, namely what it is and the advantages and disadvantages of it. What Is Charmeuse Silk?  Unlike Mulberry, Charmeuse silk actually refers to the threads that have been created by the… Read More

Young female in silk lilac sleep mask and pajama looking at camera and embracing comfortable pillow during bedtime against pink background. Taken just before going to sleep on silk.

Everyone needs their beauty sleep, we all know that, but sometimes we just can’t seem to fall asleep or wake up suddenly during the night. Hands up if you’ve just laid in bed tossing and turning and the next thing you know, it’s three in the morning. Us too. The latest research though, suggests that… Read More

Interior of home laundry room with modern washing machine

Are you struggling to properly keep your silk clean? Keeping your silk fresh and clean can be a massive pain sometimes, but it doesn’t always have to be. One of the best ways to check how to wash your silk wear would be to check the manufacturer’s care label. This will tell you exactly what… Read More

Sometimes you just need a bit of a change and a makeover. A great way to do this is through your bedroom. Your bedroom is a place that you can relax and be yourself, so don’t hold back or hesitate to add that bit of personality. Who doesn’t love a bedroom makeover? An interior design… Read More

Black snake and apple on top of a black silk sheet

There are so many myths that surround the beloved material that we all know and love, silk. Today we are going to go through some of the crazy ideas that are floating around about silk and completely write them off. This should be fun, so grab some snacks and enjoy the read!  Silk is Weak… Read More

Christmas is a stressful time for everyone. Although enjoyable, finding the perfect gifts for loved ones can be a daunting task. With a huge range of products available this Christmas at Jasmine Silk, we have put together the ultimate guide for gift buying this Christmas. This makes your lives silkier and simpler when choosing the… Read More