Your morning routine plays a huge part in how you take on the day ahead. With warmer weather and longer days rolling in slowly, there is no better time to give your current morning routine a spring clean.

For a little bit of inspiration, Jasmine Silk has put together some tips and advice to help you spruce up your spring morning routine.


Wake Up At the Same Time

Experts say that going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day is a great way to improve your sleeping pattern. When your body gets used to a routine, it will make it easier for you to fall asleep and to wake up.


Wake Up In Silk

As experts in all things silk, we believe that waking up in silk is the perfect way to start your day. Not only is it incredibly soft and luxurious, but it also helps to regulate your body temperature, meaning you should wake up feeling refreshed from a good night’s sleep. What’s more, silk is also moisturising, so if your sleeping in silk pyjamas or silk bedding, you should wake up with beautiful refreshed skin.



Before you get up and go, why not try taking a few minutes just to breathe and perhaps to do a little meditation. Doing this before you get up can put in in a better frame of mind, helping you to take on the day.


Let the Light In

One of the first things you should do when you get out of bed is open the curtains. Getting into the habit of letting the light into your room first thing, will help you to feel awake. If you don’t suffer from hayfever, you may even want to open your window to air out your room. A bit of fresh air on a spring morning may be just what you need to make you feel awake.


Your Skin Routine

Taking care of your skin is incredibly important. Putting in place even the simplest of skin routines on a morning can make a world of difference. If you already have a skin routine, why not try switching it up for spring to give you a fresh new look?

Most skin routines go something along the lines of cleanse, tone and moisturise. But, if you’re looking to try something new, you can use silk beauty cocoons to cleanse and gently exfoliate your face. Legend has it that Chinese princesses used them to achieve youthful, glowing skin. What better way to start off your morning?


Make Your Bed

An unkept bed will not be very inviting when you go to get into bed the next night, so make sure it’s made that morning. Making your bed so that it looks comfy and inviting may be a small accomplishment, but it also helps you start the day off the right way. You’ll be able to keep the rest of your room tidy, and a tidy room means you’ll have a tidy mind. It can even help lower your stress levels. If you want your bed to look extra inviting, silk bedding is an elegant indulgence that’ll make all the difference.


A Healthy Breakfast

The most important meal of the day is a phrase that is arguably overused, but that doesn’t make it any less true. If you’re guilty of skipping breakfast, maybe its time to start incorporating a healthy breakfast into your spring morning routine. Getting up a few minutes earlier will be well worth the healthy start you make. You should also make sure you drink enough water on a morning to sufficiently wake you up.


Leave the Social Media

One bad habit that many people share is to check their social media and messages as soon as they wake up. This isn’t always the best way to start your day because it can leave you feeling anxious and flustered. So, doing something relaxing and not picking up your phone on a morning, may be just the ticket for waking up well this spring.

If you want to learn more about the silk products available at Jasmine Silk and how they can improve your spring morning routine, take a look at the rest of our blog.