Noticing a stain on your beloved silk garment or bedding can leave you with that heart-wrenching feeling but there’s no need to panic – we have the best tricks of the trade to remove them in no time!

Depending on the type of stain, there are several ways to get it looking brand new in no time.

When you’ve got luxurious fabric to lay your lovely head on, it’s only important that you keep on top of it, maintaining it as it can degrade with heat, perspiration and weaknen when covered in wet stains.

Whilst silk is washable, we advise that you keep a bottle of glycerine in the back of your cupboard to prevent any stains from ruining your silk bedding. Be sure to check for colour bleeding so that you don’t end up staining your bedding further (sheets and pillows should be put aside whilst removing stains).

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Removing Different Types of Stains

Read our tips below to see how you can remove those dreaded stains!

  1. We all love a glass of wine from time to time but if you do end up spilling red wine on your silk shirt you are more than likely to fill with panic. Alcohol stains are best removed when they are still fresh. Gently dab the affected area with warm water several times to dilute the stain. Then wash as normal, but do make sure the water is at room temperature, too hot and it can damage the quality of your silk.
  2. Late night cooking in your silk nightwear?  Removing oil stains from your silk clothing simply sprinkle talcum powder on the stained area and leave for approximately 20 minutes. Brush off the excess and the stain should be gone, just like that!
  3. Coffee or tea lover? It’s bound to happen on at least one occasion. Simply sponge the area with lukewarm water and then carefully rub glycerine over it. After half an hour rinse the area with warm water to remove the stain.
  4. Do you love silk, but often sweat in your sleep? Remove perspiration from your place of dreams using a soft cloth, mix vinegar and water together in equal amounts. Gently dab onto the stain and then rinse with warm water. Be sure to only handwash the silk as it’s the safest method to keep it looking lustrously new.
  5. Deodorant stains on your favourite black silk item? Use diluted ammonia to get it back to black!

Once you have managed to get that godforsaken stain out of your intricate silk sheets, be sure to lay it flat on its original shape on a drying rack or hang it up to dry somewhere airy.

Silk tends to crease up once it has been washed, but not to worry, simply iron them out! Rather than ironing, its recommended to steam out the silk to give regain and give off a natural luster after washing.

However, if you don’t own a steamer, ironing may be your next best bet. Just use the lowest temperature setting and iron the silk inside out with a cloth inbetween the silk and the iron to keep it safe from damage. And voila! That’s how you can protect your silk whilst removing those nasty stains.

So, forget about that stain, you don’t need to worry again! For other tips and other information on all things silk, visit Jasmine Silk – we have an array of products, from pillowcases, PJ’s and accessories.