All of our Jasmine Silk garments are made from the luxury mulberry silk. Always considered the most expensive type of natural silk, Mulberry silk’s smoothness and stronger fibre are just a few of the attractive qualities it holds. What makes this product slightly more expensive? In this article, we are going to go through the processes of how Mulberry silk is made and why you may have to pay a pretty penny for it in comparison to cheaper silks. 

How is the silk manufactured?

Mulberry silk is made from the silkworms of the Bombyx mori moth. The moth’s one and only job is to lay the eggs. These pinpoint sized eggs are then kept at 65 degrees fahrenheit until they hatch into tiny silkworms. These are then fed an extremely exclusive diet of mulberry leaves 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This ensures that the silk they produce will be 100% mulberry. Once the silk worms have built up enough size after eating the mulberry leaf diet, they can then start spinning their cocoons. Once the cocoons are completed, they are placed in hot water to unravel them into strands. 

This process has proven most effective as the silk can be created in a controlled environment where results can be reproduced again and again with minimal variation.  The process unravels the cocoons into a single strand of pure silk which is an added bonus in comparison to the scraps of wild silkworm cocoons that are collected for cheaper silks. 

What are the benefits of Mulberry Silk? 

The unbroken nature of mulberry silk holds multiple benefits for consumers looking for silk bedding and silk sleepwear. The Mulberry silk is fine and light making the silk extremely soft to the touch and is a sensation to savour as it touches the skin. As it is collected from unbroken cocoons, the entire expanse of the fabric is smooth and even rather than an uneven patchwork of different cocoons. 

Mulberry silk is also as practical as it is beautiful and luxurious. The fabric has become famous for its strength and durability, which is fitting considering one strand of silk is stronger than a strand of steel. This means that if taken care of properly, mulberry silk can last for years and years to come. 

Mulberry silk is a perfect choice for those who suffer with allergies as it is not only hypoallergenic, but is made from a natural substance without fragrance or odour, making it kind to all skin types. All in all, Mulberry silk holds these characteristics and more, ensuring that bedding and sleepwear made using mulberry silk provides exceptional value to customers time and time again. If you wish to shop our silk products, head over to  our website where you can find silk bedding,silk sleepwear and more.