From celebrities to hair care experts – the beauty industry is raving about silk hair scrunchies. Whether you are someone who has damaged your hair with too much heat – we have all been there! Or perhaps, you are just having a hard time managing your hair. 

Here are five extraordinarily good reasons to make a simple switch from elastic bands to silk scrunchies:


  1. They Minimise Breakage 

Because silk has that luxurious, soft and silky feel, its smooth surface reduces friction against your hair. This stops you from getting those pesky flyaways when you decide to pop your hair up in a ponytail or bun. 

And, because silk is such a breathable fabric, it gives you better airflow around your hair, preventing the buildup of sweat and oils that can weaken hair strands which leads to breakage. Making silk scrunchies the perfect friend for the gym!


  1. Silk Scrunchies Reduce Friction and Tame Your Frizz

If you have a hard time taming the frizzy beast, silk scrunchies will help! Silk is less absorbent than most fabrics, including cotton. This means it won’t soak up the natural oils from your hair, keeping your hair hydrated and smooth. Not only that, silk also reduces static electricity, the number one cause of frizz. Silk scrunchies are the perfect way to keep your hair frizz-free.


  1. They Help Maintain Healthy Hair

We have all faced the inevitable hair loss that comes with standard bobbles, cringing at the sight of our lovely hair wrapped around the elastic. Silk scrunchies not only stop this but, they still give you a secure yet gentle hold without the breakage.

If you have a sensitive scalp, silk scrunchies are gentle and hypoallergenic so it reduces the risk of irritation and allergic reactions. Helping you maintain your scalp and hair health. 


  1.  A Simple Way to Elevate Your Outfit 

Add a simple touch of luxury to your outfit with a silk scrunchie. At Jasmine Silk, our scrunchies come in different colours and patterns. Whether you are a simple girlie who likes pastel colours or the daring fabric from our Liberty Fabric Collection, you have the perfect addition to any outfit. 

Want to see more ways silk can elevate your outfit? Check out our blog article here: Styling Tips for Silk Outfits 


  1. They Can Simplify Your Hair Care Routine

As an added bonus, the soft flexible nature of the scrunchies stops those pesky creases and dents in your hair. So, whether you want to have your hair up in a ponytail, or cascading down your back, these scrunchies will help you have the perfect hairstyle.

Check out our blog on how silk helps your hair and invest in one of our silk pillowcases to really treat your hair!