Are you wondering how to tell the difference between artificial and real silk? Or are you just wondering what it is? Make sure you stick around and keep reading below for more details.
Artificial silk refers to materials such as rayon, that have both natural and man-made fibers within them. Copying real and much pricier silk, artificial silk is used on many different garments and is often a budget-friendly substitute for the real thing. Learning more about synthetic silks allows you to tell the difference, as real silk has benefits that often outweigh the cheap nature of artificial silk. If you’re confused about whether or not you’re getting what you paid for, we’re here to help.
Synthetic silk fabrics are often blended with other materials such as cotton, wool, and even real silk. Artificial silk is a very popular material in fashion, as it goes with many different outfits and is a budget option. Many different items of clothing incorporate artificial silk. This includes dresses, blouses, scarves, and lingerie for women. Additionally, some men’s shirts and undergarments include them.
Pros and Cons Artificial Silk
There are several different pros to artificial silk. These include its low price and due to its being synthetic, the material is more durable when dry than real silk. This version of silk is also very comfortable to wear like natural silk and resists soil, mildew, and moths. Like natural silk, artificial silk can also be found in many different bright colours and patterns. This is due to it dying and printing well.
On the other hand, artificial silk needs extra care to be taken once being washed. This is because it has the potential to lose its strength or swell, which can damage the appearance or the feel of the clothing. It also yellows with age and is why many people often opt for natural silk instead.
Hopefully, this was a short, snappy blog that will go a long way in helping you spot artificial silk. For any other tips or guides on silk and how to look after it, check out our official blog page.