There are endless benefits to sleeping on a silk pillowcase, not only does it give the illusion that you’re sleeping on a soft cloud that feels like pure luxury but it has multiple health benefits for your hair and skin.

At Jasmine Silk, we love how pure our silk is and we want you to see the benefits in the same way we do. You can check out the quality of our silk products here for peace of mind.

Silk Pillowcases at

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Why Choose Silk?

  1. Your face has more contact with your pillow than any other fabric, which means that whatever you’re laying your head on should probably be of good quality. Silk is an gorgeous fabric, which keeps your face feeling refreshed and glowing. As your face has direct contact with your pillowcase, it is important that it’s soft and gentle on your skin.
  2. As silk is a hypo-allergenic natural fabric it helps to provide a resistance to dust mites, fungus and importantly allergies. If you suffer from dry or itchy skin on your face sleeping on silk will really help to sooth this. But be sure to top up with your moisturiser an hour before bedtime for your skin to retain more moisture when you awaken!
  3. Forget the ageing process, sleeping on silk pillowcases can help to slow it down as it can help your skin to stay healthy and reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. As silk is so smooth there will be no facial creasing or puffiness when you wake up.
  4. Silk works miracles on your hair, forget that bed head frizz and wake up with silky smooth hair that reduces split ends.
  5. Silk keeps moisture close to your skin, keeping it hydrated and retaining natural moisture. Sleeping on silk is an excellent alternative than cotton. Not only does it save you money by not having to splurge on moisturisers, but it retains moisture in your face. Love!
  6. Summer + cotton sheets = big no no. For those experiencing night sweats or even hot flushes, silk is a great option. Not only does it keep you cool in the summer, it can also retain warmth, it can minimise the amount of times you wake up at night due to feeling cold. Definitely a good option to keep down the heating bills when winter is on its way.
  7. Whilst some silks require more TLC than others, silk generally is straightfoward to look after. Jasmine Silk products tend to require machine washing at the lowest temperature or to be dry cleaned. For complete care instructions, be sure to check out how to care for silk products here.

Overall, silk is a great investment that can last you a long time if you take the time to look after it. When purchasing silk pillowcases, it’s vital that you shop only for the most high quality silks so you can make the most out of your money over time whilst benefiting your skin and hair! Be sure to take a look at our silk pillowcases to experience the true meaning of beauty sleep.