Everyone has trouble sleeping from time to time, but prolonged periods of poor sleep can really take a toll on your mental and physical health. Experts estimate that people need six to eight hours sleep to function properly, but this differs from person to person.
So that your waking life is of higher quality, there are a number of things you can do to improve your sleep, helping you to banish that ‘always tired’ feeling. From what you do before you go to bed, to what environment you’re sleeping in, there are many factors which come into play. We’ve broken down some of the most important factors to give you ten top tips for getting a better night’s sleep.
Bedroom Environment
One of the most important aspects of a good night’s sleep is your bedroom environment. When we say bedroom environment, we mean everything from the temperature in the room, to the furniture.
To get a good night’s sleep, you must make sure you’re sleeping in a room at a comfortable temperature. If you’re too cold or too hot, it is going to prevent you from falling asleep. To help you with this, it is useful to sleep on a fabric that regulates your body temperature, such as silk. Staying at a comfortable temperature will contribute to a better night’s sleep.
Another way you can create the perfect bedroom environment for sleeping is to make the room as dark as possible. Curtains that take away all light are essential for this, and if not, you may want to use an eye mask instead. You should also reduce any noise in your room as best as you can so that you aren’t woken up throughout the night.
Food and Drink
The food and drink you consume and when you consume it, plays an important part in how well you sleep. Experts recommended that you don’t eat or drink anything just before bed and that you should never go to bed hungry or stuffed. Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol should also be avoided because the stimulating effects they have on the body can keep you awake.
There are certain foods and drinks that can make you feel sleepy, such as those high in carbohydrates or milk.
Screen Time
In today’s world, people spend an awful lot of time either on their phones, tablets or watching television. Plenty of people get into the habit of scrolling through their phone, right before they go to sleep. However, reducing your screen time before you go to bed will help you to sleep better.
Watching screens can stimulate the brain, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to do when you go to sleep, so one good tip is to keep electronics out of the bedroom completely, to help you resist temptation. If you rely on your phone for an alarm, trying getting an alarm clock instead, so that you can leave your phone in another room.
Exercise is important for your overall health, and it can also help you sleep. Tiring out your body can stop you feeling restless when you jump into bed. However, it isn’t good advice to exercise just before bed, as this can have the opposite effect on your body because of the chemicals induced by it. Try to leave at least two hours before going to bed, after exercise.
Follow a Routine
Creating and listening to your body’s clock, will help you to sleep well consistently and consistency is key when it comes to sleep. Make sure you are going to sleep at the same time and waking up at the same time. This will help get your body used to when it is time to sleep and when it’s time to wake.
You can also follow a routine before you get into bed, which might involve taking care of your skin, reading or a bit of meditation. Creating and following a relaxing night time routine tells your body that its almost time to go to sleep so that when your head hits the pillow, you’re ready.

No Napping
If you’re the kind of person that takes naps during the day, this might be affecting how well you sleep during the night. Some people can take a nap without the undesirable effects on their sleep. But, if you have trouble, you may want to resist the urge to nap during the day so that you feel sleepier later on.
Manage Worries
One of the most common reasons why people have trouble sleeping is because of worries or stress. The worried and anxious feelings can make it difficult for you to drift off, and the more you worry, the worse it gets. That is why it is so important to find a way to manage your worries so that you can put your mind to rest before bed.
What works for one person, may not work for another, so it is also important that you find what works for you and what things help you to banish your worries and reduce your stress levels on a night.
Get Help
If you struggle getting rid of worries or stresses on your own, you should seek help. Also, if you find you have trouble sleeping for prolonged periods of time, it is also a time to consider getting professional help. Although not getting enough night’s sleep doesn’t always seem like a big issue, it can take a toll on your overall health and there may be an underlying reason why you struggle sleeping. If you are unsure, see your doctor.
If You’re Not Tired
Tossing and turning all night will not help you get to sleep. If you are not tired, don’t lay awake and worry about not getting to sleep, it is better to get up and do something relaxing until you feel sleepy again. You may want to try reading or meditation.
Some people like to follow a 20 minutes rule, which is if you cannot get to sleep in 20 minutes, you should get up and do something else. Just make sure whatever you do when you get up is relaxing, not stimulating.
Sleep Diary
Keeping a sleep diary will help you to track how well you sleep from night to night so that you can spot patterns. Record the times you go to sleep, how long you slept for and other details such as what you did before bed and what you ate and drank. Any details can help you to see where you might be going wrong. If you spot something that appears to lead to a rough night’s sleep, you can change it.
For more lifestyle advice from Jasmine Silk, be sure to take a look at the rest of our blog.